International Trade Matters Ltd offers international trade consultancy and training across sectors, geographies and disciplines. We are the leading independent consultancy for International Trade offering expert advice and support to companies engaged, or interested in, overseas connections or business. With a raft of super Specialists covering the South West of the UK and beyond we offer expert advice on new markets, compliance and international marketing strategies, we offer bespoke packages designed to provide value and satisfaction.
We advise companies on documentary issues and with gaining AEO and/or AE authorisations; provide Export Ready, Export Manager and Export Director services and, also can conduct Export Audit checks to check for non-compliance. Our latest offer is Lean Globalisation, for those companies that want to secure and maximise the effectiveness of their supply chains.
We deliver the British Chamber of Commerce (BCC) accredited International Trade training across the region and work closely with International Lawyers on specific international projects and have been consulted by HM Government to advise on the International prospects for the SW of England. We were also invited to attend a meeting between UK and America with regards to a Free Trade Agreement.
International Trade Matters offer an unparalleled knowledge of local, regional & international contacts matched with an impressive in-depth knowledge of international trade requirements. Our aim is to support corporate aspirations of international growth whatever the country, whatever the challenge, whatever the opportunity.

Phone 0333 7722565
Address 36 Bear Street, Barnstaple, Devon