Introducing Compass, the systems map for association leaders.
In 2022, TAF acquired the Institute of Association Leadership, which was the professional community for current and future leaders in the membership sector.
Working in partnership with Ellwood Atfield, TAF has developed the IAL materials into the Association Compass, a systems map for association leaders.
Whether you're an emerging leader or a seasoned executive, the Association Leadership Compass provides a clear framework to guide your growth. It outlines the skills, knowledge, and behaviours essential for an effective chief executive.
This tool is designed to help you pinpoint areas for further development, offering targeted support where it's needed most. We've curated a collection of training courses and resources, organised around the key principles of the Compass, to help you excel in your leadership journey.

The systems map for association leaders
TAF's Association Leadership Compass
The Association Leadership Compass is broken down into 9 key functions of leadership within the association sector. Each area sets out the expectations required for leadership, the behaviours, skills and knowledge that are required and some suggested training courses and further reading that are available to explore further.
With Thanks
To Andrew Chamberlain of Consort Strategy, who led the development of the Compass alongside the members of the Institute of Association Leadership working group.
TAF would also like to acknowledge and thank Richard Lambert and Gavin Ellwood, who helped evolve the resources into the format you see today.