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Building a High-Performing Team: Essential Qualities for Success

About this event

Hamilton Training Services is delighted to announce our first free webinar on Building a High-Performing Team: Essential Qualities for Success.



Born in the shadow of Teesside Steelworks, I grew up dreaming about becoming a soldier and seeing the world outside of Yorkshire. I successfully escaped and was commissioned into the Royal Engineers as an Officer in the late 90s. I went on to enjoy a richly diverse and fulfilling career, much of which was spent on Operations with Airborne and Commando Forces, it was everything I dreamed it to be and more. However, one of my best career highlights happened to be with the RAF and not the Army, at RAF Cranwell coaching Leadership and teaching military skills to the students going through officer training. It was at Cranwell that I learnt most about myself, the influence you have on your team, and most importantly how to really make your people feel safe so they can grow and develop.

Fast forward nearly two decades, I’ve since left Regular Service (still soldiering on as a Reservist) and diversified my skills and leadership experience into sectors such as construction, marketing and comms, property consultancy and utilities.


This event is for TAF members only.

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